It`s HUGE!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Visiting Khao Yai

Happy New Year everyone. We just returned from Kao Yai National Park only about a 2 hour drive from Bangkok. New places to eat have sprung up with excellent international food. One place called Vino had a great wine list and outside the open air area grew huge ripe tomatoes which they use in the dishes. The park itself  is huge and we went on a 5 hour hike seeing bat caves with the leathery winged critters blackening the sky at sunset, damp guano hollows filled with tarantulas and scorpions. The jungle in which we walked hummed with hornbills high in the trees who competed with gibbons for fruit. There were macaque monkeys baring their teeth looking quite intimidating and one wild tusker elephant at a salt lick. We rode elephants up green streams, 2 people to an elephant and a mahoot, the elephant master on their neck. One elephant enjoying the cool water loved to blow his trumpet.

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